Everyone should have a website that feels as true to them as the reason they are in business. And everyone should have a website that can grow and evolve with their business for years. The growth or expansion of the website should be intuitive and easy to implement.
Now, more than ever, people are starting businesses. And a lot of people are starting businesses on their own, without a marketing team, technology training, or design skills. These businesses all need websites. While there are countless ways to get a website, most methods are either cost-prohibitive, too time-consuming for a business owner to learn themselves, or just frustrating. Many of these approaches leave a business owner feeling disconnected or weirded out, which is terrible. A business’s website should be just as exciting as the business’s physical presence. The business owner should feel totally connected with their website and use it as a tool every day to invite their ideal audience to experience their unique offerings.
I have this business because I like being the person solopreneurs can turn to for easy, reliable help with their website and online business presence. This stuff is usually foreign to business owners and seen as a necessary evil. I enjoy making “being online” understandable and friendly.
My clients know they are getting the strategic side of their online marketing taken care of by an expert who will artfully guide them through all the decisions they need to make. They know they can count on me to get the heavy lifting out of the way for them, too.
Some business owners want me to do all the work. Some want their hands in the process. But pretty much everyone feels overwhelmed with all there is to take care of online for their business growth. I take a lot of joy in sorting through decisions and helping people make progress in a collaborative, intuitive way that clears confusion and gets things done.
The bigger impact I want to make is to totally shift the standard perception of a website in the eyes of the business owner, taking it from a necessary evil to a delightful, ever-working advocate for that business. Another difference is to impart the feeling of confidence, focus, and inspiration to women business owners that feel technology is alien to them.
My Professional Background
I’ve completed formal education, self-paced courses, and earned some certifications along the way, such as:
- BAS in Digital Media Management, Arizona State University, 2004
- AAS in Web Design, Mesa Community College 2001
- AdWords Certification in Display Advertising, 2018
- AdWords Certification in Search Advertising, in progress, 2018
- AdWords Achievement in AdWords Fundamentals, 2017 and 2016
- Online Course: Amy Porterfield’s Webinars That Convert, 2017
- Online Course: Chalene Johnson’s IG Impact, 2016
- Online Course: Marie Forleo’s B-School, 2015
- Online Course: Amy Porterfield’s Facebook Profit Lab, 2014
What Makes My World a Delightful Place
If we’re going to work together, I’d like you to know I have interests beyond business and marketing :) Here are some of my favorite things.
I love to learn.
I’m not just saying that because you are reading about me on my business’s website. I really love to learn. Frequently, when I am looking for something fun to do, I’m inclined to pick up a new self-help or business book because to me those things are sort of like crack. What’s even better is if I get to read one of those books with a good glass of wine during a Friday afternoon, with the French doors open, dogs at my side, and eclectic music from Buddha Bar playing in the background.
Broadway is delightful.
I love Broadway musicals and plays. I believe I’ve seen close to 75 now, as I have been a season subscriber since 2004 to the Broadway Across America series that comes to Gammage Auditorium. Favorite shows include Hamilton, Peter and the Starcatchers, Aida, Ragtime, Wicked, and Kinky Boots, which leads me to the next thing…
The most beautiful side of my life is right here at home.
The first part of my life found me moving and shifting a lot. We moved so much that my father and my stepmom kept all of my addresses written down in the back of their address book under “Z.” We were a very unsettled, nomadic family. This meant we weren’t often in a home for very long and I didn’t have an anchor of a community or friends. Things were always changing. We were frequently strapped for all of life’s necessities. And life was frequently lonely and chaotic.
The last couple of decades are a totally different story and one I am most grateful for. I have been in a beautiful relationship with my Jimmy for about 20 years now and it’s been the thing that’s taught me about never ending acceptance, generosity, and about how love can continue to grow between two people.

In addition to Jimmy, I have a dog that happily hangs out with me while I work from home. Her best days are when I write since I usually do that from the couch which means she can hang out right next to me. Jimmy will tell you he’s not entirely sure if he ranks higher than her because in my world my four-legged family member sort of walks on water. She is the best way for me to remember each day how to be joyful, stay in the moment, adore the simplest things, and that naps are totally okay.